Wellness / body contouring
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Build Muscle 
Sculpt Your Body


EMSCULPT is the world's first treatment which helps patients build muscle and sculpt their bodies, non-invasively.
What is more, it can also be used for an entirely non-invasive buttock-toning treatment.
Muscles shape the body, and EMSCULPT may thus speed up the fitness journeys of your patients and help them reach their body goals.

How does EMSCULPT work?

EMSCULPT is based on HIFEM energy. 
A single EMSCULPT session causes thousands of powerful muscle contractions which are extremely important in improving the tone and strength of the muscles of your patients.
These induced muscle contractions are very intense, and the muscle tissue is thus forced to adapt to such extreme conditions. The muscle tissue responds by deep remodeling of its inner structure, which results in muscle building and body sculpting.