Rejuvenating The Aging Face

Rejuvenating The Aging Face

Lecture SessionAnti -agingAesthetic products (BTX-Fillers –injectable- implants)

2024-09-18 | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM | Hall 3


11:00 - 12:00
Rejuvenating The Aging Face

Kashif Ali
Jehan Omoush
Maria Khattar
Mohammed Turkmani


Slowing The Signs of Aging After Menopause
Katerina AbuFares

Embracing The Passage of Time Exploring Proageing and Anti-ageing Non-invasive Techniques
Medhat AbdelMalek

Revitalising the “Ozempic face” / “Rapid weightloss face”
Ishaan Ramkisson

Role of Micronutrients in Skin Health
Ahmed Sadek