14:00 - 15:00
Youthful Eyes
Ahmed Sobhi Zaki
Atef Emam
Fouad Ghareeb
Helmy Shalaby
Maamoun Ismail
Mohamed Farag
Mohamed Farouk
Wessam Wahdan
Tradizionale and Regenerative Surgery in Orbitopalpebral Region: A Win-Win Approach
Pier Parodi
Trans-Upper Blepharoplasty Corrugator Muscle Reduction
Ayman Helmy
Tear Through Deformity Correction
Simona Gallo
Aging of The Forehead: Treatment and Techniques
Haifa Fodha
Unlocking Youthful Eyes: Multimodal Strategies For Periorbital Rejuvenation
Jamila Atannaz
Centrofacial Rejuvenation Using Fat Combos
Aly Hussein Saber