Rhinoplasty: Basic & Advanced Where We Are?

Lecture Sessionplastic surgery

2024-09-19 | 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM | Hall 1


11:00 - 12:30
Rhinoplasty: Basic & Advanced Where We Are?

Aly Moftah
Fady Magdy
Hashem Ayad
Nasser Ghozlan
Osama Elshahat
Rasha Abdelkader
Sameh ElNoamany
Wael Abdelnaser


The Value of Virtual Simulation for Preoperative Planning in Rhinoplasty
Elsayed Mandour
Clinical Anatomy of The Nose
Mostafa Yasser ElBadawy
Rhinoplasty: Surface Aesthetics
Yasser ElBadawy
Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty: Where to Inject, How to Inject & Who Are The Candidates
Fatma Yousef
Diced Conchal Cartilage Wrapped in Retroauricular Fascia For Small and Medium Defects of The Nasal Dorsum
Gianluca Campiglio
Nasal Tip Reshaping: Personal Experience
Wael Albarazi
Cross Roads in Rhinoplasty Techniques: My Experience
Sameh Elnoamany
L-nostril Reduction: A Novel Technique
Abdelreda Lari
Why Dorsal Preservation in Rhinoplasty?
Wael Elshaer